HomeHome RemediesPromising 7 Ayurvedic & Home Remedies for Migraine Headache.

Promising 7 Ayurvedic & Home Remedies for Migraine Headache.

Ayurveda & Home Remedies for Migraines! Experience Natural Relief & Advantages over Pharmaceuticals. Discover the Power!

Ayurvedic treatment for migraine
Ayurvedic treatment for migraine

Migraine is a highly severe discomfort that feels like a pulsing headache and can linger for hours up to days. The pain typically starts in one of three places: the forehead, the side of one’s head, or the area surrounding the eyes. The headache progressively grows worse. It worsens with almost any movement, activity, intense light, stress, screen usage, or loud noise. During a migraine, vomiting and nausea are frequent side effects. Migraines might occur regularly or just a few times a year. Compared to men, women are more prone to experience migraines.

What is a migraine according to Ayurveda?

According to Ayurveda, Migraine is known as ‘Sooryavarta. Avarta, another name for “affliction,” is another name for the Sun. The headache worsens around sunrise, peaks at noon, and improves in the evening.

What causes migraine, according to Ayurveda?

Migraine can be caused for many reasons, and people usually keep fighting with it throughout their life. The pain is very intense and unbearable. Still, most people are unaware of why they have developed the migraine; because of this, they cannot fight against it and cure it permanently. Only if they can come up with the reason why they have migraine, the main reason, the root cause behind the migraine, can they fight, fix that issue and cure it permanently and bury that immense pain from where it can never come up.

So, Ayurveda’s explanation of migraine etiology is as follows:

  1. Repression of instinctive urges.
  2. Indigestion.
  3. Consumption of tainted food.
  4. Exposure to the sun over an extended amount of time.
  5. Fatty and hot cuisine.
  6. Anger, envy, sorrow, worry, etc.
  7. Consumption of salty, sour, and dry foods.
  8. Drinking or smoking.
  9. Alterations in sleep patterns, such as more or less sleep.
  10. Fasting.
  11. Anxiety and tension.

If you see any such symptoms, you can depict It might be a migraine, might here illustrate the possibility of migraines, but it is always advisable to consult a doctor before concluding.

Does Ayurvedic medicine cure migraine, or is it a Scam?

Home Remedies for Migraine and Ayurvedic Treatment Scam
Home Remedies for Migraine and Ayurvedic Treatment Scam

Yes, Ayurveda, for sure, can cure migraine. both

Both Ayurveda and home remedies for migraine urn out to be effective even in the worst case scenario.

Ayurveda works on the roots of any disease, unlike any other medicinal practice where the pain is suppressed, and the root cause of the disease remains untouched. An internal cleansing procedure is a first and critical step in an Ayurvedic and home remedies for migraine treatment regimen, which is then accompanied by a particular diet, herbal treatments, therapeutic massage, yoga, and meditation.

The fundamental tenets of Ayurveda medicine are the ideas of universal connection, bodily composition (Prakriti), and life energies (doshas). The person benefits from treatment when pollutants are removed, symptoms are decreased, illness resistance is increased, worry is decreased, and life harmony is increased. Ayurvedic medicine and home remedies for migraine makes considerable use of oils, spices, and various other plants, including herbs.

Apart from understanding how Ayurveda works so that the migraine can be waved off entirely from your body, it’s equally important to understand that Ayurveda medicines and home remedies for migraine work slowly. It took time to heal by using both Ayurveda medicines and home remedies for migraine.

Any Ayurvedic remedies you employ should be brought up with your doctor. People considering adopting Ayurvedic methods to treat a child or women who are pregnant or nursing should speak with their doctor. It is crucial to confirm that a healthcare professional has made any diagnosis of a sickness or condition of an illness or condition caused by a healthcare professional with extensive historical medical training and expertise in treating that disease or condition. Ayurveda and home remedies for migraine can be beneficial when used in addition to conventional, contemporary medical care, but it shouldn’t take its place of it in particular when treating severe disorders.

Migraine treatment in Ayurveda / Home Remedies for Migraine

Migraine Ayurvedic Treatment
Migraine Ayurvedic Treatment

The Ayurveda cure for migraine includes the following methods or treatments.

  • The essential peppermint oil and peppermint tea:

For a long time, as home remedies for migraine, people have utilized peppermint for its calming, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic effects. It is a proper Ayurvedic remedy for migraine headaches because of the menthol it contains, which relaxes your muscles. Along with the leaves, you can use the essential oil. A great way to calm the nerves is using peppermint oil’s aroma. Gently massage your head with a couple of drops of the oil. Secondly, a soothing cup of peppermint tea can be made by crushing seven leaves and adding them to 8 ounces of water. The heat should be turned off after bringing it to a boil. Pour this into a cup at the end of five minutes

  • Using essential oils and steam inhalation for frequent relief.

For frequent relief from migraine, other herbs besides peppermint have essential oils that benefit people with migraine headaches. Try using lavender, jasmine, and rosemary oil. Each combat stress, a significant migraine cause, has a calming and rejuvenating impact on the brain and facilitates sleep. Three drops of lavender, jasmine, peppermint, or rosemary oil should be added to a gallon of boiling water. Inhale the steam while wearing an absorbent towel over your head. You should soon feel better.

  • Start consuming pure Patanjali Cow Ghee and Roghan Badam:

As home remedies for migraine, COW Ghee (in keto diet it has been used as an essential element by many disciples of keto diet ) is very beneficial to consume, as it is 99.8 grams of fat, of which 64.9 grams is saturated. It even contains other essential vitamins that help you soothe the brain veins that help reduce migraine.

Badam Roghan is an Almond oil, sometimes called badam rogan, made by cold pressing almond oil. Its name is Rogan Badam Shirin in the Unani medical system. About 40–50% of an almond’s weight is oil. It is abundant in calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Antioxidant properties of vitamin E enhance blood circulation.

Golden-yellow oil that is clear and tastes sweet

Almond oil has many beneficial properties, including being an antioxidant, restorative (restoring one’s health, power, or well-being), demulcent (alleviating oral irritation by generating a protective film), anodyne (relieving pain), sudorific (inducing sweat), and mildly laxative. It works wonders as a lubricant and moisturizer.

Ninety-five percent of the fatty acids in almond oil are unsaturated, while just 5 percent are saturated.

If it is taken through the nasal passage, only two drops during a day, it eventually helps eliminate the migraine pain over time.

  • Specific Lifestyle changes.

Your headache, the finest result of Ayurveda treatment and home remedies for migraine, comes from living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthful foods. This aids in preventing triggers.

  1. Avoid drinking and smoking.
  2. Don’t eat fried, processed, spicy, or coffee-flavored food.
  3. Eat at scheduled times.
  4. Sleep for seven to eight hours every night.
  5. Set a consistent time for going to bed.
  6. Your routine should be made as simple as possible to reduce stress.
  7. Avoid skipping meals.
  • Ginger: Eat It or Drink It

As a home remedies for migraine, ginger is another natural cure used to ease headaches for years. Since ginger helps alleviate additional migraine symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, and the muscular contractions and inflammation that cause headaches, modern research also suggests that ginger could be a helpful Ayurveda treatment for migraines.

Take a bit of ginger and munch on it immediately as you notice the beginning of a migraine. Or, add some of the slices to a cup of water to make yourself ginger tea. If you do not have diabetes, you could taste-test by adding honey.

  • Specific Yoga pose practice

Yoga is a practical component of Ayurveda migraine treatment plans because it alters the brain’s chemistry. The multiple underlying causes of migraine, such as stress and hormone imbalance, can be addressed with yoga asana and pranayama. Learn poses like: from an experienced professional.

  1. Pose of the dead (Savasana)
  2. Pose with the knees bent (Janusirasana)
  3. (Adho Mukha Svanasana) Downward dog
  4. Pose of the bridge (Setu Bandhasana)
  5. Paschimottanasana, a forward bend while standing
  6. Bee breathing, or Brahmi Pranayama
  • Specific Ayurvedic programs for treatment.

Numerous Ayurvedic migraine treatments, such as Shirodhara, Sneha Nyasa, and Shirolepa, are possible.

  1. Shirodhara uses oils, buttermilk, or cow milk to calm Pitta and Vata and deeply relax the nervous system.
  2. With herbs, pastes, and medicinal oils, Shirolepa calms Pitta and relieves stress and exhaustion from the body and mind.
  3. Sneha Nasya uses oils to soothe pain and calm the nerves.


Ayurveda claims that migraines (Ardhavabhedhaka) are a problem brought on by a disparity in the Dosha levels. Poor eye health, disrupted sleep patterns, a diminished capacity to pay attention and focus, and decreased productivity can all result from this change in the Dosha levels.

Ayurveda has a more thorough strategy to address this issue, addressing the symptoms and potential underlying causes.

Ayurvedic remedies for migraine pain include:

  1. comprehensive detoxification.
  2. The purest locally grown components are used in home cures.
  3. modifications in the way of life.
  4. Designed a healthy diet.
  5. Relaxing techniques to reduce pain.

Ayurvedic migraine treatments and home remedies for migraine, prevent substance abuse because they don’t require lab-produced medications.

But the Ayurvedic remedies took longer to show results than other medicinal practices. Ayurveda acts on the root cause of the disease and effectively eliminates disease, i.e., migraine, from the very roots.


what are the best home remedies for migraine?

Try essential oil therapy through steam inhalation, consume Cow Ghee, and significantly take two drops of Badam Roghan from your nasal passage during the afternoon.

How to cure migraine quick?

Turn off the lights, sit back and relax, and get yourself a caffeinated drink. Put an ice pack on your forehead and eyes, especially on the sides of your eyes.

How to stop migraine?

The best way to stop migraine permanently is to modify your lifestyle, adopt healthy eating habits and reduce your active screen time. Use blue ray blocker spectacles or lenses.

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James Smith (Health Expert)
James Smith (Health Expert)https://healthmidlife.com
The author is a passionate advocate for midlife health and has personally navigated through various midlife health crises. Through a combination of personal experience, trial and error, and guidance from medical experts, the author has transformed their own health to achieve optimal well-being. Now, with a wealth of knowledge and lessons learned, the author is dedicated to sharing these insights to help others achieve a healthy and fulfilling midlife. By providing practical advice and actionable steps, the author aspires to empower readers to make positive changes and embrace a vibrant midlife phase.


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