HomeHome RemediesDon't rely on Tums - 9 easy home remedies for heartburn

Don’t rely on Tums – 9 easy home remedies for heartburn

Health Advice: Don’t rely on Tums for heartburn. Rather opt. Natural home remedies to cure and, over time, permanently fix heartburn issues through their regular use.

Don't rely on Tums for heartburn.
Don’t rely on Tums for heartburn.

Heartburn has very little associated with the heart, irrespective of what its name suggests. Instead, a searing pain in your chest is caused by acid in your stomach, backing up into your esophagus, the 10-inch tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. Heartburn can strike suddenly and linger for a short while or several hours. It’s uncomfortable in either case, so it’s unsurprising if you seek a quick fix (i.e., Tums, but before consuming Tums every time the heartburn situation arises, it’s more important to be sure whether or not are tums bad for your heart).

Heartburn can be the last thing on anyone’s mind when dining with friends or attending family gatherings. The burning sensation in the chest can take away from enjoying the evening, but some steps can be taken to reduce or eliminate the discomfort. If you are one of the sixty million Americans who experience heartburn on an average monthly basis, home remedies may work as effectively as medication (especially Tums) to prevent or manage discomfort. It can be a nuisance for those who occasionally experience heartburn, but it is usually not a cause for concern. If the discomfort persists or does not subside, it is time to consult a physician. Home remedies can be used to help alleviate the pain. If used for prolonged periods and even taking other preventive measures, they help to eliminate the root cause of the problem, beginning with the following:

Is it Heartburn or a Heart Attack, Be Sure First!

It can be tough to distinguish between severe heartburn and a heart attack. Both heartburn and the development of a heart attack can result in symptoms that subside over time. The pain may not last long, making it a warning sign. If you experience persistent chest pain and are unsure if it is heartburn, it is recommended to seek medical attention. Heartburn and heart attack are very similar.

Symptoms of a heart attack may vary from person to person and may be accompanied by other symptoms. Moreover, heartburn won’t go away with antacids.

Clearly Identify is it a Heart Attack or a Heart Burn.

Typical signs and symptoms include tightness, pressure, or pain in the chest or arms, which may spread to the neck, jaw, or back; nausea or vomiting; shortness of breath; cold sweat; fatigue; lightheadedness; and sudden dizziness. Chest pain or some kind of discomfort is the most common symptom of a heart attack in both men and women, but women are more likely to experience other symptoms, including jaw or back pain and shortness of breath.

Try These Super Effective 9 Heartburn Home Remedies, and Don’t Rely on Tums for Heartburn.

Baking Soda Remedy

Baking soda heartburn remedy
Baking soda heartburn remedy

Soda and water mixed is one of the oldest natural treatments for dyspepsia. What explains why it has endured the test of time? It’s effective! According to nutritionists and experts, baking soda is a base that balances the acidity in your gut and esophagus. Combine half to one teaspoon of baking soda with eight ounces of water for quick relief. Avoid going overboard, though, as too much baking soda can harm your health, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Before attempting this home treatment, see your doctor if you are expecting or have a chronic ailment like heart disease, high blood pressure, or renal disease.

Consume Alkaline Food, Such as a Ripe Bananas

alkaline food remedy
alkaline food remedy

Bananas are an alkaline food due to their high potassium content, which may help to neutralize stomach acid that irritates the esophagus, according to a study published in the American Journal of Nutrition. However, it is essential to note that unripe bananas may be less alkaline, as they are more starch-heavy and may even trigger acid reflux in some individuals. Therefore, it is recommended to select a ripe banana for heartburn relief. Other alkaline foods to consider for heartburn relief include melons, cauliflower, fennel, and nuts. They must be consumed regularly to avoid heartburn in general, but one must think to the doctor for proper guidance.

Modify Your Sleeping Position

modify your sleeping position
Modify your sleeping position.

It is recommended to elevate the head and chest above the feet during sleep to prevent and alleviate acid reflux and heartburn. This can be done by placing a foam wedge under the mattress. However, it is essential to note that piling pillows are generally ineffective and may exacerbate symptoms. Additionally, it is suggested that sleeping on the left side of the body is beneficial for digestion and may help to reduce stomach acid reflux.

Herbal tea for Heartburn

Herbal Tea heartburn remedy
Herbal Tea heartburn remedy

Herbal teas can be a pleasant way to unwind during a hectic day and may also benefit those suffering from heartburn. (It is essential to ensure the tea is caffeine-free, as caffeine can cause heartburn.) Ginger tea is one of the most popular herbal teas, but there are other options, such as chamomile tea and lemon tea, which may help soothe the digestive system and alleviate reflux. However, it is essential to note that if you are allergic to any ragweed plants, such as chrysanthemums, marigolds, and daisies, you should avoid drinking tea with chamomile, as it may result in a similar reaction.

Eat More Often, More Slowly, and Smaller Meals

diet for heartburn
diet for heartburn

Please just change things up if you get heartburn despite eating three square meals daily. You can be experiencing discomfort as a result of overeating food too frequently. Eat five to six small meals throughout the day instead, chewing each one well and slowly to promote better digestion. When the stomach is overly full, or the food is excessively fatty, the esophageal valve opens, and food and acid travel from the stomach back up into your throat, causing heartburn. As per the studies, meals with over 500 calories induce more reflux than meals with fewer calories, and meals with more than 10 to 15 grams of fat are likely to create more significant heartburn.

Consume Licorice Root

licorice root heartburn remedy
licorice root heartburn remedy

Licorice roots are a popular herbal medicine used for treating gastric inflammation because it inhibits the production of prostaglandins and lipoxygenases, which can otherwise cause acid reflux.

A few pieces of dried licorice root are added to a heated cup of water in a saucepan. Water is brought to a boil and simmered for five to ten minutes. To lessen acid reflux, drink this tea once a day.

Note: Licorice use over an extended period may cause adverse effects such as low potassium levels, elevated blood pressure, weakness, and immobility. Avoid this cure if you take blood thinners, blood pressure medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, or diuretics because licorice is known to interact with these drugs and lessen their effectiveness.

Consume Aloe Vera Juice

aloe vera juice heartburn remedy
aloe vera juice heartburn remedy

A typical plant in ancestral healing is aloe vera. Its juice can aid in lowering gastrointestinal tract inflammation, which may contribute to acid reflux. The plant also aids in digestive tract sedation.

You can take half a glass of aloe vera juice twice daily, for thirty minutes before meals, until you feel better.

Use of Lemon Balm

lemon balm heartburn remedy
lemon balm heartburn remedy

Lemon balm leaves are employed for gastrointestinal diseases due to their carminative, analgesic, and digestive characteristics. Consequently, lemon balm might help reduce heartburn. 5–6 lemon balm leaves should be added to a glass of boiling water. The glass should be covered and left for 5 minutes. The leaves should steep and savor the hot tea, but before attempting this therapy, consult your doctor if you are taking thyroid or diabetes medication.

Drink Hot Water

hot water heartburn remedy
hot water heartburn remedy

Drinking hot water might help reduce the signs and symptoms of acid reflux. To name a few:

1) It aids in relaxing the sphincter muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach. Facilitating a more effortless transition of food and acids from the digestive tract to the intestines can lessen the symptoms of acid reflux.

2) Digestion can also benefit from hot water since it promotes a more rapid and efficient breakdown of meals. Acid reflux may be prevented because the stomach isn’t under as much stress.

3) Hot water also aids in thinning mucus in the esophagus and airways, making it more straightforward for the human body to expel too much gas or acid, which can be uncomfortable.

4) Consuming hot water can also help to lessen acid reflux by reducing inflammation in the digestive tract.

To ensure excellent results, it is recommended to begin with warm water rather than boiling, as boiling can burn the esophagus and worsen the condition’s symptoms. Additionally, drinking hot water slowly and regularly is essential, as this can help reduce symptoms more effectively. Furthermore, avoiding drinking hot water in bed is best, as a full stomach can increase the acid’s ability to travel up the esophagus.

Sometimes it has even been observed that Tums don’t work effectively, and then there is one question: what to do for heartburn when Tums don’t work? and whether or not are Tums safe to take everyday. In those conditions, even these home remedies can help, and studies have shown heartburn that won’t go away even with medication goes away with such simple home remedies.


Acid reflux, a medical condition where the stomach contents flow back into the esophagus, is typically treated with medication. However, lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and natural remedies may also be beneficial. However, dietary modifications may be sufficient to control heartburn, and it is essential to consult a healthcare provider if regular or severe symptoms are present. Over time, the damage caused by acid reflux-related heartburn may lead to complications and damage to the esophagus. Fortunately, various treatments are available to alleviate symptoms and prevent damage. Anyhow, it may take some time to determine which one is most suitable for you.


  1. What are the Signs of Acid Reflux?

    Acid reflux is a digestive disorder that could lead to symptoms such as heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest. Additionally, it can cause regurgitation of food or beverages, nausea after meals, a sense of food being stuck in the chest, and frequent bouts of hiccups.

  2. Why aren’t Tums helping my heartburn?

    If Tums aren’t helping your heartburn, it can be because your symptoms are too severe or you have an underlying issue. A healthcare practitioner should be consulted for a correct diagnosis and suitable treatment choices.

  3. Is there anything better than Tums for heartburn?

    You can consider some natural home remedies, as they are effective and safe as well. but it is always advisable to consult your healthcare practitioners for a proper diagnosis.

  4. Can you take Tums everyday for heartburn?

    Although Tums tends to be safe for infrequent usage, it might not be advisable to take it every day for heartburn. Consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and permanent treatment options if you experience frequent or chronic heartburn as these symptoms may indicate an underlying issue.

James Smith (Health Expert)
James Smith (Health Expert)https://healthmidlife.com
The author is a passionate advocate for midlife health and has personally navigated through various midlife health crises. Through a combination of personal experience, trial and error, and guidance from medical experts, the author has transformed their own health to achieve optimal well-being. Now, with a wealth of knowledge and lessons learned, the author is dedicated to sharing these insights to help others achieve a healthy and fulfilling midlife. By providing practical advice and actionable steps, the author aspires to empower readers to make positive changes and embrace a vibrant midlife phase.


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