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Can men over 40 have high testosterone levels?

Discover scientifically proven ways to increase testosterone levels naturally in men over 40. Investigate both natural and man-made methods.

After age 30 in men, research has found that testosterone starts dipping by 1 percent every year. Moreover, year 40 is exceptionally high, as per research, but there is much evidence in history that people generally have raised their testosterone levels naturally after 50.

There are two types of methods which help testosterone boost.

  1. Natural testosterone boost method
  2. Artificial testosterone boost method

Now, before going in-depth and understanding these two methods. It is more important to know why the testosterone level declines with age.

Reasons for Low Testosterone

reason for testosterone
reason for testosterone

Primary and secondary hypogonadism are the two fundamental kinds of hypogonadism.

Primary Hypogonadism, or The First Type of Hypogonadism

Inactive testes bring on primary hypogonadism. That is because they do not produce enough testosterone to support healthy and optimal growth. A hereditary characteristic may be the root of this interactivity. It may additionally be acquired through disease or accident.

Among the inherited conditions are Testicles that do not descend the abdomen during birth and are said to have Klinefelter’s syndrome—a situation when men are born with the X, X, and Y sex chromosomes.

Hemochromatosis: Too much iron in your blood can harm your pituitary or cause testicular failure. Testicle injury that can result in primary hypogonadism includes the following:

  1. Testosterone levels even got impacted by damage to both testicles, which must happen physically.
  2. Mumps orchitis: Testicles can become harmed by the mumps infection.
  3. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer can harm testicles.

Secondary Hypogonadism.

Subsequent hypogonadism Damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland results in secondary hypogonadism. These brain regions regulate the testes’ ability to produce hormones.

Inflammatory illnesses, including HIV/AIDS, may impact the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, and the testes Inflammatory disorders, such as tuberculosis, histiocytosis and sarcoidosis. These diseases and inherited illnesses fall within this category: Pituitary problems brought on by medication, kidney disease, or tiny tumors. Linked to aberrant hypothalamic function is the Kallmann syndrome.

Secondary hypogonadism may develop as a result of the following acquired circumstances:

Ageing Normally: Hormone production and reaction are impacted by ageing.

Overweight: Excessive body fat can alter hormone responsiveness and production.

Medication: Steroids and opioid painkillers may impair pituitary and hypothalamic function. Concurrent illness: The reproductive system may temporarily shut down due to intense mental stress or physical strain brought on by a disease or operation. Your hypogonadism may be primary, secondary, or mixed. With advancing age, mixed hypogonadism has become more prevalent. It can happen to those receiving glucocorticoid medication. It may also impact those with thalassemia, alcoholism, or sickle-cell disease.

Symptoms You Notice When Your Body has Low Testosterone Levels.

symptoms of low testosterone

Low testosterone levels can occur in some males. Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TD) and Low Testosterone (Low-T) is used to describe this. Below 300 nanograms per decilitre (ng/dL) is considered low blood testosterone (Low-T) by the American Urology Association (AUA).

Any of these signs or symptoms may accompany low-T:

  1. Low-quality sex drive.
  2. Feeling fatigued most of the time.
  3. Reduced level of lean muscle mass.
  4. Feeling Irritated for no reason.
  5. Erectile dysfunction.
  6. Depression.
  7. Anxiety.

Other potential causes of these symptoms include opiate usage, congenital diseases (diseases you were born with), testicular loss or damage, diabetes, and obesity (being overweight). If you experience any of these signs, consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of Low Testosterone Levels in Men

Now we understand the reason and symptoms behind the low testosterone levels in men in their 40s. However, it is equally important to know the level of free testosterone, total testosterone, SHBG levels, and macronutrient levels, vitamin d3 level in the body. Medical experts or practitioners in authorized labs take a simple blood sample for all these tests. However, it is always advisable to consult the doctor before taking any sought of test or medical assistance.

Now let us come to the main point, how to raise your testosterone level after your 40s or even if you are in your 50’s this article will help.

Natural Ways for Testosterone Boost

The natural ways are the best ways to increase optimum testosterone levels at 40 plus age.

The natural ways of boosting testosterone are as such:

Use Natural Ayurveda Supplements that Support Testosterone Increment.


shilajit natural testosterone booster

Shilajit, minerals pitch, is a strong and exotic substance derived from the Himalayas. This traditional medicine is made from organic plant matter and humus from the soil and is rich in 84 minerals like iron, copper, and zinc. The effects on the human body are pretty sweet, even though the murky, gooey stuff can be a bitter pill.

Shilajit also has been used to cure a wide range of illnesses, from diabetic to immune system issues as well as digestive, urinary, or problems with reproduction, thanks to its nutrient-richness and healing capabilities. Shilajit has even been found to enhance libido, beat fatigue and improve stamina in men.

Tongkat Ali

tongkat ali natural testosterone booster

According to studies, tongkat ali can increase male testosterone levels by up to 37% over 12 weeks. Participants in one trial got 200 milligrammes of the tongkat ali extract daily for eight weeks. The average rise in free testosterone reached 28% after just four weeks. This number rose even further after the 12-week trial period to 37%.

However, there comes a question:

Why Does Tongkat Ali Affect Testosterone Levels so Drastically?

The reason behind Tongkat Ali’s tremendous success rate when it comes to uplifting testosterone levels naturally is the presence of a lot of specific substances called quassinoids. The body produces more testosterone when luteinizing hormone (LH) is released at a higher rate, which these substances are supposed to contribute to.

However, a question of doubt may lie in your mind:

Does Tongkat Ali Increases Testosterone Levels?

The answer is YES, according to science, and many individuals have seen this natural supplement’s potency. Tongkat ali was found to elevate testosterone levels, libido in men, energy, and athletic performance. You might want to consider taking Tongkat Ali if you seek a safe, natural way to raise your testosterone levels.

Take a Good 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep

Studies have demonstrated a connection between poor sleep and low testosterone levels. If you want more testosterone and better health, try to sleep every night for at least seven hours. As you sleep, your testosterone levels rise; your testosterone levels decline as you stay awake longer. Late in the sleep cycle, when REM sleep takes place, and testosterone production is at its peak, this period helps the body and mind revitalize.

Here are some products that help you get better sleep at night for example,

  1. A mattress.
  2. Sleep Mask
  3. Blackout curtains for the bedroom
  4. Soft cushion.

Lose Weight, not Fat

To increase testosterone fat is very crucial, eat fat. Dietary fat, despite its reputation as a “physique destroyer,” is one of the most critical factors in maximizing natural testosterone production. It is currently acknowledged as a surefire method of raising testosterone levels.

However, being overweight can be harmful. As it may lead to many unwanted diseases, this is an excellent time to start your fitness journey. As it said, “The best to do something is right now.”

You can start with running, and if you want to commit, you can purchase a treadmill. This will help you in our commitment to fitness.

Start Meditation thus Reduce Stress

Studies have shown that excessive stress-related hormones can lead to erectile dysfunction and impotence by preventing the testosterone-producing process. Your stress levels and cortisol levels both decrease with meditation. As a result, it raises your body’s free serum testosterone levels and indirectly inhibits testosterone-blocking.

In starting, you can just begin with a focus on your breath for five minutes with closed eyes and gradually increase your timing. This is the very first step to beginning your meditation journey.

Artificial testosterone boost method

Many artificial testosterone boost methods exist, but it is always advisable to use them only after consulting a doctor or under professional medical guidance.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)

testosterone replacement therapy after 40

The process of restoring lost testosterone due to an injury, a congenital defect, or a condition that lowers testosterone levels is known as testosterone replacement therapy. It can also replenish decreased testosterone levels after a testicular removal procedure called an orchiectomy.

The various types of testosterone replacement therapy methods are.

  • Testosterone Patch

Through simple-to-use patches, the body can absorb testosterone. However, they must be used numerous times each day and could irritate the skin. Additionally, not all individuals effectively absorb testosterone through this method.

  • Testosterone Topical Gels

Depending on the type, these gels can be used on the groyne, biceps, armpits, and other body parts. Although they are simple to use, care must be taken to prevent TRT gel from accidentally rubbing off on other areas of the body on skin exposed to it. These gels should not be used on women or kids.

  • Testosterone Injections

From twice weekly to once every other week, intramuscular injections are administered. Even less frequent doses have been known to occur. The dosage and schedule are adjusted based on the patient’s subjective complaints and objective lab results.

  • Testosterone Subcutaneous

At intervals of three to six months, under-the-skin pellets are injected with this technique. After administration, pellets have the highest continuous, consistent dosage level and require negligible maintenance. Every time an additional dosage is due, they need a minor operation. As with any surgery, there is a little risk of infection and the possibility that pellets will also extrude.

  • Oral Testosterone

Unlike some prior oral testosterone preparations, capsules are handy. It is applied to each nostril thrice daily, and the duration may vary depending on the testosterone report from person to person

Testosterone Boosters

testosterone booster after 40

Men after age 40 can take the help of testosterone boosters or testosterone enhancers to raise the levels of testosterone in their bodies. Ingredients from conventional treatments, including fenugreek, the mineral zinc, maca, and some other naturally occurring herbs, are frequently used in these formulations.

Here are some best testosterone boosters for men over 40 available in the market.

1. Test Worx Natural Testosterone Booster by Superior Labs

2. Neovicta Alpha Testosterone Booster

3. Testosterone Booster by Evlution Nutrition

4. Old School Labs Vintage Boost Testosterone Booster

5. Jacked Factory’s Androsurge Oestrogen Blocker for Men


What is normal testosterone levels for males over 60

Males over the age of 60 normally have normal testosterone levels that range from 240 to 950 ng/dL .

Are male testosterone levels falling

Yes, It is true that studies show a decline in male testosterone levels over time, which may be related to a variety of environmental and lifestyle variables.

How to diagnose low testosterone?

Indications might include, low sex drive, feeling lethargic, mood swings, erectile dysfunction, but one must consider consulting a doctor as low testosterone is a critical issue in men.

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